I’m a Co-Chair for the Social & Political Philosophy Working Group. We serve as a forum for the discussion of works-in-progress in any area of social and political philosophy or applied ethics.Continue readingThe Social & Political Philosophy Working Group: Spring 2015 Call For Abstracts!
Category: Philosophy
Upcoming Presentation at the 2014 APA Eastern Division Meeting
I’m very excited to be a part of the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) Symposium at the 2014 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association.Continue readingUpcoming Presentation at the 2014 APA Eastern Division Meeting
Upcoming Presentation at the 2014 SAGP & SSIPS Conference at Fordham University
I will be presenting some research at the 32nd Annual joint meeting of The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP) with The Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and ScienceContinue readingUpcoming Presentation at the 2014 SAGP & SSIPS Conference at Fordham University
No Room For Digital Humanities in Philosophy?
Cross-posted from the Digital Fellows Blog: Throughout my tenure as a Digital Fellow, I have struggled to relate the projects I’ve been working on and the tools and skills IContinue readingNo Room For Digital Humanities in Philosophy?
The Social & Political Philosophy Working Group: Fall 2014 Call For Abstracts
I’m a Co-Chair for the Social & Political Philosophy Working Group. We serve as a forum for the discussion of works-in-progress in any area of social and political philosophy orContinue readingThe Social & Political Philosophy Working Group: Fall 2014 Call For Abstracts
Upcoming Presentation for the Society for Women in Philosophy!
I will be presenting a work in progress at a Summer Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) Workshop in August! I’m happy to have this opportunity to present some newContinue readingUpcoming Presentation for the Society for Women in Philosophy!
Upcoming Poster Presentation at the Pacific APA!
I’m very, very excited to be presenting a poster of my latest research at the 2014 Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association! I’m also thrilled that I’ll beContinue readingUpcoming Poster Presentation at the Pacific APA!
Upcoming Presentation at the 30th International Social Philosophy Conference
I will be presenting “On Hegel, Women, and Family Life: Why the Family is an Important Vehicle for Social Change” at the 30th International Social Philosophy Conference at Quinnipiac University on JulyContinue readingUpcoming Presentation at the 30th International Social Philosophy Conference